Meet Elizabeth Morse: Test-Taking Coach, Business Coach, Life Coach, Somatic Healer, Spiritual Healer, Emotional Release Work Coach
Elizabeth Gould Morse had a thriving career as an Import Operations manager before developing an autoimmune illness. Unable to get help from Western medicine, Elizabeth turned to alternative health, of which she'd always been a skeptic. What she found healed her. Realizing others were in the same boat--overdeveloping the left brain state and not accessing the right brain state in order to reset from stress--she wrote Your Best Health By Friday, which explains the commonalities of stress, inflammation, and illness, as well as action steps to heal.
Elizabeth works with people to overcome test anxiety and PTSD using a body-centric version of inner child work. She specializes in helping people expand their emotional fluency and capacity during stressful times in order to align with the law of attraction and call in their dreams.
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Elizabeth works with people to overcome test anxiety and PTSD using a body-centric version of inner child work. She specializes in helping people expand their emotional fluency and capacity during stressful times in order to align with the law of attraction and call in their dreams.
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