Business and Life Mindset Coaching with Emotional Release Work
What is Mindset Coaching with Emotional Release Work and how can it help?
People often ask Elizabeth what a private session with her is like. She respects everyone's belief system and does exactly what they request. Some people she works with only want to have their primary reflexes deactivated, clear any stress, and remove any unconscious self-sabotage. For those on a spiritual path, though, there is much more help that Elizabeth can provide. She believes that we already have the answer to what our soul's path is within us. It's not always easy to find those answers, though, and that's what private sessions can explore. First, she clears any retained reflexes, makes sure the brain is fully activated and clears away the emotions that are keeping a client from accessing their own connection with their higher power. Then once any emotions are cleared, she looks for excess or deficient energy and balances that. The more we can learn what it feels like to be in balance, the more we can go back to that space.
Elizabeth helps people learn how to stay in their higher consciousness so that they don't continue to feed the old, negative programming they were raised with or received as an epigenetic inheritance. She helps them check in regularly to find the answers for their life path. People thank her for what she's done during a session, but it isn't her; it's them. All she's done is hold space for them to heal themselves, to connect with whatever they call their higher power, to be able to ask their own inner wisdom for guidance for the journey of life.
You could think of emotions as being a part of the guidance from our inner wisdom. When we are not fulfilling our soul's purpose, it causes lots of negative emotions. Those emotions build over time and bring stress to our body. Emotional neurochemicals are inflammatory in quantity and inflammation can lead to disease. The path back to wellness can be made easy with the shortcuts to emotional learning that Elizabeth provides. Elizabeth is not a therapist or doctor. It's important to use her sessions as an adjunct to your medical and mental health practitioners. Sessions are not intended for those with serious mental illness.
Elizabeth helps people learn how to stay in their higher consciousness so that they don't continue to feed the old, negative programming they were raised with or received as an epigenetic inheritance. She helps them check in regularly to find the answers for their life path. People thank her for what she's done during a session, but it isn't her; it's them. All she's done is hold space for them to heal themselves, to connect with whatever they call their higher power, to be able to ask their own inner wisdom for guidance for the journey of life.
You could think of emotions as being a part of the guidance from our inner wisdom. When we are not fulfilling our soul's purpose, it causes lots of negative emotions. Those emotions build over time and bring stress to our body. Emotional neurochemicals are inflammatory in quantity and inflammation can lead to disease. The path back to wellness can be made easy with the shortcuts to emotional learning that Elizabeth provides. Elizabeth is not a therapist or doctor. It's important to use her sessions as an adjunct to your medical and mental health practitioners. Sessions are not intended for those with serious mental illness.